Date(s) - 02/09/2020 - 02/16/2020
12:00 am
January 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
God is the author of every blessing that we know in this world, every grace that brings joy to our heart, every strength and hope that carry us through the difficult times that come to all of us.
For this reason, the fundamental stance we as Catholics have toward our God is one of gratitude, and the fundamental disposition of the Christian moral life is to root every dimension of our journey of life on this earth in an abiding sense of thanksgiving.
Such a stance of gratitude orients our life of prayer and union with the Lord, understanding that God always stands with us. Gratitude enriches our life of family and friendship, of work and citizenship in this blessed land, and of encounter with those in need.
Christian gratitude also embraces our life of faith and membership in the Church, leading us to contribute our time, talent and financial resources to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in San Diego and Imperial Counties through our parishes and the work of the diocese that goes beyond the capabilities of any one parish. The diocese supports a vital array of ministries, vocations and charities in the name of Our Lord — through Catholic Schools, Religious Education Programs, Clergy and Seminarian Support and Catholic Charities.
Our Annual Appeal provides the foundation for enabling us to carry out these vital works of faith and service in your name, and for that reason I ask you to prayerfully consider participating generously in this year’s appeal, with the knowledge that in doing so, you enter more fully into the work of Christ and the mission of discipleship at this crucial moment in human history.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy
Bishop of San Diego and Imperial Counties
St. Mark’s Catholic Church Community – please click