September welcomes us with new beginnings!
- Fall Religious Education Classes begin in September. There is still time to register, but don’t wait much longer! See the following paragraphs and you will see we have many opportunities for Spiritual Growth for all ages from age 4 up.
- We are ready to begin our fall 2019-2020 Religious Education of children pre-kindergarten age 4 through eighth grade. Please encourage your neighbors and friends to enroll their sons and daughters. For more information, please call the Religious Education office (760) 744-1130.
- “The Up Rising”; for all youth grades 7 & 8. “The UpRising” where we “Raise up disciples for Christ”! This community will provide a variety of ways to learn, to grow, to meet people, make friends ask questions, discovery answers and HAVE FUN! From creative projects, to scavenger hunts to reaching out to our wider community, you will find a place to belong. For more information or to volunteer to help, please contact Laura Cortes at 760-744-1130
- Registrations for the High School Spiritual Formation/Confirmation youth in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation are now in full swing. Classes begin September 8th! Please call our Youth Office at 760-744-5429 to register and learn more about our youth groups. Office Hours are:
Monday – 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday- 9:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday- 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday- Closed
Friday: 3:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- Are you interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic, or returning to the Catholic Church after being away? For information about our RCIA (Rite of Christian 6. Initiation of Adults) process, call the parish office. It is never too late to get started! “Come and See!” John 1:34.
- Bible Study and Small Christian Community; for all adults. Now is the perfect time to join! New and established Bible Study and Small Christian Community groups are getting together. You do not have to be Catholic to enjoy our Bible Study and Small Groups. Call the parish office (760-744-1540) for information about dates and meeting times.