If you would like to use our online giving option you can take your choice of monthly, bi-monthly or weekly donations. Just click on the Give Now icon and follow the directions for secure access.
If you would like to increase your giving or respond to Sharing Our Blessings we can offer three options:
You can make the adjustments on-line and indicate that you have done so on the Commitment Envelope.
Use the Commitment Envelope to indicate the change and add a signature and we can make the change for you.
You can stop by the office and we can assist you in making the changes.
St. Mark’s invites you to consider our new electronic giving program as a way to automate your gifts to our General fund, Building Fund and other donations through a secure link on our Web site. You can pick the fund(s) you want to split your donation into and choose a one time transaction or set it up as a recurring transaction.
Electronic giving offers convenience for individual parish members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our parish. We anticipate that electronic giving will appeal to many church members—from longtime worshippers who will appreciate an alternative to frequent check writing to younger members and others who prefer to pay or donate by electronic means whenever possible.
Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account toSt. Mark’s bank account. If you are already using direct debit to make mortgage and car payments or to pay utility bills, then you know how it works. An authorization form for giving by direct debit is enclosed.
Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card. Today, many households use debit cards as a convenient alternative to checks or use credit cards in a responsible manner to manage a wide range of obligations. An authorization form forgiving by debit or credit card is enclosed.
Online Giving lets you go to the church website at www.stmarkscatholicchurch.org to make one-time donations or to set up a schedule of automatic donations. By setting up a password-protected profile, you will be able to log in at any time to make donations, change a recurring donation plan or view your personal giving history.